How to integrate MailChimp form with Blogger website

How to integrate MailChimp signup form with Blogger website?

Want to integrate the Mailchimp Email signup form with the Blogger website? Then follow the simple step-by-step guide.  Email marketing is a good way to drive consistent traffic to your blog and on the Blogger website, most of the users use Feedburner for that. But Feedburner is an outdated tool that does not provide that…

How to add stylish floating share buttons to Blogger website? [Free tools]

How to add stylish floating share buttons to Blogger website? [Free tools]

 Most of the modern Blogger templates comes with beautiful inline share buttons but it doesn’t have floating share buttons. So, in this article, I will share you with the best free tools that provide fully customized floating share buttons.  You can also use this tool to collect Emails, show custom popups, and Link promotion, and more. It…

How to enable Lazy-loading images on Blogger

How to enable Lazy-loading images on the Blogger website.[Updated]

Website speed is one of the crucial factors for better ranking and on a blogger website, you will not find caching and image optimization plugins. So, in this article, we will discuss what is lazy loading and how you can enable lazy loading on your blogger website. Images play important roles in website speed and…